True religion of Mankind: Spiritualism Part-26


The Air Element

यं’ is the seed-letter (beejakshar) of the Air Element. Despite that not many chant this seed-letter. Instead the seekers perform Pranayama and meditate on the blue sky. This sadhana enables the Astral Body to merge in the Causal Body thereby making the seeker a real Yogi. The seeker starts getting timeless knowledge, acquires many powers and gains prominence. The seeker also succeeds in pleasing various Gods, who provide visitations and engage in discussions. He acquires inner knowledge and also the secret knowledge of different realms present in the environment. He acquires the eight supernatural yogic powers also known as Ashta Mahasiddhi. The seeker also attains control over the numerous types of Air (vayu) flowing in the Universe. Apart from attaining different powers, the seeker also gains the company of those yogis who traverse through the sky.

The Sky or the Ether Element

While performing the sadhana of Sky or the Ether element, the seeker merges into the Element itself. The mind (Chitta), introspection/thought (Chintan) and sub-conscious (Chidaakaash) are destroyed and the Yogi merges into the Absolute thereby becoming the Supreme Absolute himself.

The Yogi has to forego all the powers that he has gained before merging into the Supreme Absolute. Once all the powers are foregone, The Yogi merges into the Supreme Absolute. His existence on the Earth is just like any other ordinary person, but inside, he is one with God Almighty.



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