True religion of Mankind: Spiritualism Part-24


The Water Element

The Great Yogi expounded briefly on the powers present in the letters of the Devanagari script and before stopping his talk, he also explained the presence of the Five Elements in the human body:

When I requested him to provide information on other elements too, he said…

Since this knowledge is very mysterious, it is not  appropriate to divulge it in detail. However, I will provide some information to you so that people can change their perspective towards life.

With that, he began speaking further.

The seed-letter (beejaakshar) ‘Vm’ (in devanagari scrip-वं) is a mysterious seed-letter of the Water Element. Half of the powers of Goddess Kali, destroyer of this world, is present in this seed-letter.  Meditation and focusing on this seed-letter gives one the knowledge of the celestial beings residing in water. The knowledge of the universes present between the Sky and the Earth can also be attained through this meditation. One gets the power to perform miracles. One performs this sadhana by sitting in water. Meditation and chanting is to be done while sitting in water. While in this state, the aspirant sits in water and performs the bahirkumbhak (a pranayama activity). Once this sadhana of the Water Element is completed, the aspirant comes out of the water and starts breathing normally. Here the Swadhishthan or the Sacral chakra gets activated.






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